Sunday, September 27, 2009


I used the "Not-So-Good Design" checklist in our textbook to evaluate the following two websites. Overall, both websites are good, but they both the same bad which was that neither one of them were made to be viewed on an 800x600 screen resolution.

The content on this page is well organized. The main focal point changes pictures, but this is part of their advertisement. It shows the viewer what Hershey has to offer. Navigation around the website is easy. When you put your mouse over a link, other links appear which takes you to seeral other pages within the website. Some of the pages take a little bit to load which could potentially deter some viewers from wanting to stay on their webiste. The color used for the links are colors that are used throughout the website. There are also picture links that allows for easy navigation as well. The text is easy to read and there are plenty of pictures on the website, but they are not overdone. Overall the website is well designed and thought out.

I thought the overall content of the website is useful. The website is clean and easy to navigate. The links are not blue, but a color that is used throughout the website. The graphcis are well intended and not overdone. There is some animation on the webiste, but that is to allow the viewer to see different pictures of the resort. There is one or two main focal points. The biggest focal point is pictures of the resort which is well needed for this type of website. The colors and the image is carried throughout each page that you go to so that you know you are still lookinga at Dreams Resorts. Again, I think this is a well designed website.

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